SignalGeneriX Ltd participates at the FerryBox 2017 workshop

The researcher engineer of SignalGeneriX, Dr. Zenonas Theodosiou, attended the FerryBox 2017 workshop. The workshop was hosted by the Norwegian Institute for Water research (NIVA) from 17th to 19th of October 2017 on board of the ferry Color Fantasy.
The FerryBox workshops are organized every two years and aim to share experience and knowledge about the use of different underway systems. The presentation of Dr. Theodosiou titled “Smart Buoys for Marine Environment Monitoring: The Case of MARIABOX Project” focused on the work elaborated by the company in the framework of the EU funded project MARIABOX which is related to the design and development of two smart buoys for the pilot demonstrations of the system in Cyprus and Spain.
More about FerryBox workshops: