SignalGeneriX has extensive experience in the implementation of various algorithms and systems on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) using market leading tools and chips from Altera and Xilinx. These can range from low power implementations for battery operated systems to multi-million gate devices for applications where performance is more important than power consumption, such as telecommunications systems and defence/security applications.
The design flow can be summarised as:
- Top level system description with test vectors
- Bitwise optimisation of the design in high-level simulation
- FPGA implementation of the corresponding bitwise design
- Optimisation of the FPGA design for power, complexity, speed etc.
- End to end logic design which includes Custom IP Development
- RTL Coding based on Verilog and VHDL
- DSP algorithm development on FPGA
- System Testing and Verification
- FPGA prototyping-emulations and system demonstrators
- Post Synthesis Simulation
- Signal Integrity Analysis