SignalGeneriX sponsors the IET distinguished lecture by professor Tony Constantinides

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Cyprus invited the co-founder and principal scientific advisor of SignalGeneriX to present an honorary lecture in the framework of IET distinguished scientist lectures. The lecture with title ‘Lagrange Programming: A Framework for Moving Horizon Optimization with Applications to Mobile Communications’ was given at Hilton, Nicosia on the 13th of June 2014. The lecture which attracted members of the Cypriot scientific community and IET professionals was sponsored by SignalGeneriX.
Abstract: The objective of the talk is to present a framework for localization of mobile telephone (or similar devices such as RFID) by using time-of-arrival measurements. The formulation of the problem is initially through the classical Lagrange constrained optimization but it is restructured in such a way as to render it amenable to real-time implementation. The implementation can be in terms of either continuous time or discrete time systems. The approach is general enough to allow problems in other areas of human activity (for example asset portfolio selection in quantitative finance) to be interpreted in the proposed framework. The presentation will touch some aspects these areas.