LYNCEUS2MARKET: New H2020 MG Project – Signalgenerix

LYNCEUS2MARKET: New H2020 MG Project


SignalGeneriX announces the kick-off of a three year 10.15M€ HORIZON 2020 project which is focusing on the development of an innovative people localization system for safe evacuation of large passengers ships. LYNCEUS2MARKET project is based on the promising results developed in the LYNCEUS project where innovative technologies were tested in lab and in small scale pilots. LYNCEUS2MARKET brings together European global players in the field of cruise ship owners, operators, ship builders, maritime equipment manufacturers, a classification society, industry associations and important technology organisations with the aim to implement the first market replication of these technologies and products and to create significant impact by saving passenger lives during maritime accidents. For more information you can visit the project’s dedicated website:

For more information you can visit the project’s dedicated website:

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