FUPLEX Project: Bilateral Cooperation Cyprus-Israel
SignalGeneriX announces the kick-off of a two year 110K€ project which is focusing on the creation of an innovative Full-Duplex (FD) transceiver based on the design of an FD repeater for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard.
The general objective of FUPLEX project is threefold: (1) To develop a strong collaboration between the Cypriot partners, UCY and SG, and the partner from Israel, RIO, in the area of wireless communications where all parties are very active, (2) To design and develop an innovative FD transceiver based on the design of an FD repeater for the LTE standard. This FD repeater will be the final result of the FUPLEX project and will be fully commercialized by the two industry partners and (3) To study the integration of the FD radio technology in modern cellular communications systems and evaluate its potential benefits.
For more information you can visit the project’s dedicated website: http://fuplex.signalgenerix.com/index.php/