SignalGeneriX at Zenobia Week 2015 “Artificial Reefs Management. Prospects and Benefits for Diving Tourism”
SignalGeneriX attended the Conference “Artificial Reefs Management. Prospectus and Benefits for Diving Tourism” held on 30th of June 2015 in Larnaca, Cyprus. SignalGeneriX gave a talk titled “Smart buoys as a tool for sea protection and promotion”, where he presented the innovative technologies developed by the company in regards to sea monitoring using smart buoys.
SignalGeneriX attended the Conference “Artificial Reefs Management. Prospectus and Benefits for Diving Tourism” held on 30th of June 2015 in Larnaca, Cyprus. SignalGeneriX gave a talk titled “Smart buoys as a tool for sea protection and promotion”, where he presented the innovative technologies developed by the company in regards to sea monitoring using smart buoys.
The program of the conference can be found:here.