LOTUS EDIDP project starts after IDE signed with the European Commission a 9.7M€ Grant Agreement – Signalgenerix

LOTUS EDIDP project starts after IDE signed with the European Commission a 9.7M€ Grant Agreement


SignalGeneriX is participating in the development of the new European Tactical UAV, led by INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) and supported by the European Commission, the Cyprus and Greek Ministries of Defense.

The companies’ partner and project leader IDE signed with the European Commission, the Grant Agreement for the 9.7 million € funding of the LOTUS – Low Observable Tactical Unmanned System program, approved last July in the framework of EDIDP (European Defense Industrial Development Program).

The LOTUS project will address feasibility, detailed design, prototyping and testing of a low-observable, airworthy and interoperable tactical RPAS system, targeted at ISR missions. The development will include: a mothership TRPAS equipped with ISR sensors, designed for low observability and high endurance, incorporating a self-protection system against enemy threats; a system of tube-launched, foldable-wing drones, deployable from the mothership, while this later remains at a safe distance; on-board sensor data processing capabilities for target detection, recognition, identification and classification; and a ground station.

The consortium of the LOTUS program is coordinated by IDE and comprises of industrial, scientific and military entities from Greece (IDE, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ALTUS, CFT, University of Patras and the Hellenic Air Force Telecommunications and Electronics Depot), Cyprus (SignalGeneriX Ltd, Cyric, and Geoimaging Ltd), Spain (Embention) and the Netherlands (RHEA Group).

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