Start of two new European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) projects with the participation of SignalGeneriX
We are proud to announce that two new European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) projects with the participation of SignalGeneriX start in December 2021. We are looking forward to joining forces with our international partners the Cypriot MoD and the MoDs of several EU countries for the development of next generation European Defence products.
- JEY-CUAS | Joint European sYstem for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems
A consortium of 38 enterprises, research bodies and institutes of various sizes from 14 countries, led by Leonardo, aims to develop technologies for new generation anti-drone systems with modular, flexible architecture capable of responding quickly to continually evolving threats, such as drones, which are increasingly capable of surviving old-generation C-UAS systems.
Read more here.
- The project “Development of Unmanned Semi-fixed Sea Platforms for Maritime
USSPs will develop a highly autonomous, energy efficient unmanned platform prototype, based on miniaturized oil platform technologies and with a wide range of aerial, surface and submarine sensors. It can be deployed in any geographical area, including deep water, and in adverse environmental conditions, so it will be very versatile in operation.
A total of 15 European companies participate in USSPs, coming from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland and the Netherlands, coordinated by the Greek ETME and technically coordinated by Naval group.
Read more here.