Double contract success for SignalGeneriX of a total budget of 12M euros

SignalGeneriX proudly announces that it has secured two new H2020 EU projects in the area of Future Emerging Technologies and Information Communication Technologies which will start in 2017. The two projects combine the efforts of leading research institutes, internationally recognised universities and innovative high-tech SMEs across Europe.
The “VIROSURF: A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces” project is funded with 6M euro under the EU flagship program H2020 FET-Open for “Novel ideas for radically new technologies”. VIROSURF aims to support the early stages of joint science and technology research for radically new future technological possibilities. The project is coordinated by the Foundation for Research and Technology (CERTH), and its consortium consists of SignalGenerix, Fraunhofer Institute, University of Cyprus, Aalto University and Nano Networking Center of Catalunya.
The “MOVECARE: Multiple-actors Virtual Empathic Caregiver for the Elder” project is funded at the level of 6M euro under the EU framework H2020-ICT-2016. The project is coordinated by University of Milano and combines the efforts of fourteen European organisations. MOVECARE aims to develop an innovative multi-actor platform that integrates an existing robotic system with domotic sensors, smart objects, a virtual community and an activity center, to provide assistance, transparent monitoring and activities to the elderly at home.