Leak Detection and Management in Urban Water Networks Using Wireless Sensors (WATERSENSE)
Project Overview
The main objective of WATERSENSE was the development of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) System for the continuous monitoring of the water supply urban networks aiming to the early detection of water leaks in order to accomplish reduction of water loses. The integration and automisation of several leak-finding and water supply network management methods is expected to lead to the optimization of the networks’ operation. The performance of this innovative system evaluated through a pilot deployment in a controlled environment under real conditions. The results of this research in conjunction with ongoing research activities for the development of Geographic Information System (GIS) software contributed to the early detection of underground water pipe leaks/destruction achieving even more efficient water resources management in urban networks.
Partners Involved
- University of Cyprus
- SignalGeneriX Ltd
- Nicolaides and Co Civil & Environmental Engineers
This project is co-funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation under the Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2006. |