Modular and adaptive tactical network to control, change and manage network behaviour, including cyber security
Project overview
The objective of the proposed action is to design a modular, adaptive and secure tactical network. To achieve this, the SMOTANET project will: – Design tactical devices that integrate three different technologies, namely, Software Defined Radio (SDR), Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) and Software Defined Networks (SDN). – Develop testbeds based on the aforementioned devices that will be used to test and evaluate operational scenarios and the corresponding technical solutions according to well defined metrics. The testbeds will realize representative tactical scenarios, they will implement controller-to-controller, controller-to-switch, and switch-to-switch links and will ultimately unite them in a holistic network-wide network control architecture managed by SDN controllers. The Studies will deliver operational scenarios and technical requirements in cooperation with the Greek and Cyprus MoDs. The Design Activities will deliver the design specifications of the controller and the switch as well as a testbed that can evaluate the performance of relative networks under realistic conditions.
Partners involved
- Intracom Defense Single Member S.A. (Greece)
- GridNet s.a. (Greece)
- Itti sp. z o.o. (Poland)
- SignalGeneriX Ltd (Cyprus)
- Athens University of Economics and Business – research center (Greece)
You can download the SMOTANET factsheet here.
This project has received funding from the European Defense Industrial Development Program (EDIDP) under the grant agreement EDIDP-CSAMN-SDN-2019-038-SMOTANET |