QSTREAM – Signalgenerix

Ultra-high Data-rate Wireless Communication (QSTREAM)

Project Overview

The Qstream project addresses all major technical, scientific and technological challenges associated with the successful realization of low-cost, highly-integrated, ultra-high-data-rate streaming applications operating in the mm-wave frequency range. Complete receiver and transmitter ICs (RF and digital baseband) have been realized in CMOS technology, in addition to System-in-Package (SiP) implementations incorporating mm-wave front-ends, antenna arrays and active chips on a low-cost substrate. The realisation of low-cost integrated systems operating in the world wide available 60 GHz band enable a new range of ultra-high data rate wireless communication systems. The validity of the chosen concepts is demonstrated by two functional prototypes for two high-volume and high-value applications, for which at the moment there are no proven technical alternatives, namely wireless uncompressed high-definition video streaming and “Kiosk-downloading”.

Partners Involved

  • NXP Semiconductors (Netherlands, Belgium and France)
  • Institute for Applied Radio System Technologies (IAF) (Germany)
  • ST Microelectronics(Italy and France)
  • Thomson (France)
  • SignalGeneriX (Cyprus)
  • Cyner Substrates (Netherlands)
  • Interuniversity Microelectronic Center (IMEC) (Belgium)
  • Braunschweig University of Technology (TCL) (Germany)
  • TU Eindhoven (TU/e) (Netherlands)
  • IMS (France)
  • LAAS (France)
  • ENSTBr (France)
  • TUKL (Germany)
  • CEA/LETI (France)
This project falls under the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation’s Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2008 (DESMI 2008), co-funded by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund, and specifically under Grant EUREKA/EUNEA/0308/01.