Multimodal Biometric Security System (POLYBIO)
Project Overview
The POLY-BIO project developed a multi-modal biometric system that offers users enhanced security in physical or remote access by incorporating biometric features such as face, palm geometry, voice and fingerprint. The human biometric characteristic as opposed to PINS, cards or codes, constitute the absolute means for secure user identification that prohibits impostors from abusive usage of the system. The project introduced innovative processes and technologies based on the extraction, analysis, coding and classification of the human biometric characteristics. The combination of two or more biometric technologies in one application, better known as a multimodal biometric system, proved to provide significant improvements and robustness to biometric security systems.
Partners Involved
- SignalGeneriX Ltd
- University of Cyprus
- The Philips College
- Primetel Ltd
This project is co-funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation under the Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2006. |